Get Instant Local Market Reports

Save yourself the time and effort from manually creating and distributing local market reports. Market Insights does it all for you!

Coming Soon to US & Canada

Register your interest below and you'll be the first to know when it becomes available.

Keep your clients engaged

Keep clients engaged and up to date with the local property market with interactive market reports. Schedule monthly emails to automatically send all of your contacts local market reports, auto-populated with data relevant to your area.

Dynamic market data

Give your clients instant visibility on the key market insights in their neighbourhood, including property price trends, recently sold properties, rental statistics and even population demographics!

Designed to convert

Designed to convert

All landing pages match your branding and strategically feature calls to action to drive conversion when your contacts are most engaged.

Automate monthly reports

Have all of your contacts receive local market reports with data relevant to your area, every month, without lifting a finger.